10 of Ali G ideas. Check it! Peace and R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
1. "Considering that 99% of dogs cant speak english, how do they tell you which bags have drugs?" - to an airport security guy.
2. "Why don't they teach proper maffs in schools? Why teach in kilos and grams when you should deal in ounces, quarters and eighths?"
3. "When you arrived on the moon, was the people who lived there very friendly, or was they scared of you?" - to Buzz Aldrin.
4."Was there squirrels there that were 3 metres long that had eyes this big but couldn't see?" - question to a miner about animals inside the mine.
5."What do you use chicken for?" to a farmer.
"They lay eggs."
"They lay??!! What do you mean they lay eggs?"
6. "So you are not cussing these dogs when you call them bitches? You are not saying they is a bit loose or whatever?"
7. "Do you think man will ever walk on the sun?" - to Buzz Aldrin.
8. "I aint a Homo Sapien, I dont do those things."
9. "Woman are important, aint they?" to a feminist.
10. "Would you feel safe, if you know a woman is flying your plane?"
1. "Considering that 99% of dogs cant speak english, how do they tell you which bags have drugs?" - to an airport security guy.
2. "Why don't they teach proper maffs in schools? Why teach in kilos and grams when you should deal in ounces, quarters and eighths?"
3. "When you arrived on the moon, was the people who lived there very friendly, or was they scared of you?" - to Buzz Aldrin.
4."Was there squirrels there that were 3 metres long that had eyes this big but couldn't see?" - question to a miner about animals inside the mine.
5."What do you use chicken for?" to a farmer.
"They lay eggs."
"They lay??!! What do you mean they lay eggs?"
6. "So you are not cussing these dogs when you call them bitches? You are not saying they is a bit loose or whatever?"
7. "Do you think man will ever walk on the sun?" - to Buzz Aldrin.
8. "I aint a Homo Sapien, I dont do those things."
9. "Woman are important, aint they?" to a feminist.
10. "Would you feel safe, if you know a woman is flying your plane?"